Click an item below to download
free resources and samples.

In this Super Pack You’ll Get: 

  • All 26 Reading and Writing Monster™ Handwriting Story animations. 
  • A variety of Downloadable Monster Paper™ for handwriting practice.  
  • A variety of activities to keep your little one busy and learning (preschool to second grade). 
  • If you have children in different grades, you do not need to purchase two versions; we have included modifications for learning levels. 

Example Handwriting Story Animation 

Monster Paper™  Download & print many options for different activities.


Proven Approach

Phonics in Motion combines visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning experiences to develop young readers and writers, in a way that honors their inner child.

We're on a mission to do two things:

1 Offer a foundation for the development of a life-long love of reading. PIM captures the energy and imagination of little ones, engaging them in natural interaction and exploration of language.

2 Provide the tools and knowledge needed for adults (teachers and families alike) to be powerful in their teaching of early literacy in fun and child-like ways.  PIM offers a solution that delivers for the teacher and the student: based in science, rooted in Phonemic Awareness, connecting all pillars of early literacy explicit instruction, delivered in an authentic way.

Phonics in Motion will give you the knowledge and tools you need to develop strong readers and writers, in a fun and authentic way. Enjoy and have FUN! 


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We’d love to see you and your little one in action!
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