Multisensory Reading And Writing Method

Say Goodbye To Learning Gaps
Support struggling readers and enrich advanced learners with our research-based reading & writing teaching method that kids love.

For over 40 years, we’ve helped teachers support students with engaging literacy instruction that works.

Keep Learners Engaged & Interested

Weave Scarborough's Rope Together

Transform your classroom into a place where kids
Phonics in Motion is designed to support preschool through third-grade classroom teachers, as well as intervention, and remediation.
The scope & sequence and lesson plans provide teachers with a comprehensive classroom literacy routine. Or, you can easily integrate the motions and tools with literacy programs you may already be using.
How Do We Do It?
Our proven literacy method empowers teachers to deliver research-based instruction in a way that makes sense to KIDS.
The scope and sequence develops every pillar of literacy with multisensory, explicit instruction.
Our unique motions for the phonemes teach Phonemic Awareness, and scaffold decoding and encoding skills.
This engages students' minds and bodies, creating a learning experience that kids are excited about.

Support Strugglers & Enrich Advanced Learners Simultaneously
Used and 💚ed by
Tier 1 Educators
Tier 2 Educators
Tier 3 Educators
The motions for each sound enables you to SEE what your students are hearing, so that you can see in real-time, how and where they’re struggling.
With PIM, you’ll be able to instantly identify what the issue is, and how to help.
Our highly effective multisensory strategy keeps your advanced learners enriched with fun, challenging lessons. Spiraled lessons and scaffolds also enable you to support your strugglers within the tier 1 environment.
Explore the Scope and Sequence
This complete classroom membership includes everything you need to develop the scope and sequence.
A unique motion for every phoneme, sound cards, worksheets, animations, The eBook, word lists, and video training to easily learn our explicit multi-sensory instructional method are all included.
Click your grade to download a PDF of the Scope and Sequence.
Administrators: Set Your Teachers Up For Success
Transform the way your schools support tier 1, tier 2, and tier 3 learners from preschool through third grade. Phonics in Motion will enable your educators to meld the art of teaching with the Science of Reading, as they engage learners in becoming successful readers and writers.

Request a group proposal, designed to deliver on your needs and objectives.

Educate your teachers in the science and the art of teaching early literacy. Schedule a free consultation to customize professional development that your teachers will thank you for.
Questions? Email us at
We’d love to see you and your little one in action!
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